What does fraud mean?
Fraud is a deliberate act of deception intended for gaining personal benefit or causing a detriment to another party.
An irregularity is an act which doesn’t comply with EU rules and which has a potentially negative impact on EU financial interests, but which may be the result of genuine errors committed both by beneficiaries claiming funds and by the authorities responsible for making payments. If an irregularity is committed deliberately, however, it’s fraud.
AFCOS Directorate can investigate allegations concerning:
AFCOS Directorate cannot investigate allegations concerning:
Way of sending an irregularity alert:
- via regular post to the address of the AFCOS Directorate;
- at the AFCOS Directorate premises through registration of the irregularity alert in the registry system of the AFCOS Directorate;
- you can contact us anonymously and without any further formalities via e-mail address: afcosbg@mvr.bg.
The irregularity alert should contain as accurate as possible and most detailed information about the infringement appearing in the course of implementation of projects co-financed by funds, instruments and programs of the European Union, and should be supported with documentary evidence, if available.
Any person, who has submitted an irregularity alert, under the legislation in force, is protected of dismissal or any other negative effect arising of or being a result of the act of reporting the irregularity.
The contact points of the AFCOS Directorate are:
112 Georgi Sava Rakovski Str.
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone. (+359) 2 982 49 90
e-mail: afcosbg@mvr.bg