OLAF rss feed

Illicit medicines intercepted under OLAF’s lead

1 year 6 months ago

The customs authorities of 14 EU countries have seized illicit hormonal substances, food supplements and medicines for erectile dysfunction in a targeted action led by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). OLAF’s targeted action was part of Europol’s operation SHIELD III.

OLAF and Viet Nam strengthen cooperation against customs fraud

1 year 7 months ago

The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the Ministry of Finance of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam have signed today an agreement that will facilitate their cooperation in the fight against fraud in the area of customs. Viet Nam is the EU's second most important trading partner in the ASEAN reg

OLAF trains digital forensics and analysts to fight fraud

1 year 8 months ago

The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) completed today its 23rd digital forensics and analysts training. The two-week programme trained mainly staff from national law enforcement agencies and covered the area of digital forensics, computer crime and analysis in the anti-fraud domain.

Game over: 8000 fake toys seized during raid in Poland

1 year 9 months ago

A joint raid by OLAF investigators and officers from the Masovian Customs and Tax Office (Warsaw) resulted in the seizure of 8000 counterfeit toys with an estimated value of €113,000 (PLN 535,000) from an outlet housed in a wholesale shopping centre on the outskirts of Warsaw.

PIF Report: Reinforcing the protection of EU’s finances

1 year 9 months ago

Today the European Commission has adopted its 2021 Annual Report on the protection of the EU’s financial interests (“PIF” report). According to the report, the number of detected and reported cases of fraud and irregularities remained stable in 2021 with over 11 000 reported.

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