OLAF rss feed

Slovakia: 2021 Annual activity report of AFCOS published

2 years ago

The Slovak AFCOS/Unit National Office for OLAF of the control section within the Slovak Government Office, together with the partners of the AFCOS network, have published their Annual Report on Activities in the Protection of the EU’s Financial Interests in the Slovak Republic.

Slovakia: 2021 Annual activity report of AFCOS published

2 years ago

The Slovak AFCOS/Unit National Office for OLAF of the control section within the Slovak Government Office, together with the partners of the AFCOS network, have published their Annual Report on Activities in the Protection of the EU’s Financial Interests in the Slovak Republic.

Combatting IPR fraud in the wine and spirits’ sector

2 years ago

Representatives from customs and police from EU and selected third countries, EU and international public bodies and right holders from the wine and spirits’ industry met in Alicante, Spain, on 16-17 June for a conference on fraud related to intellectual property rights and counterfeiting.

Combatting IPR fraud in the wine and spirits’ sector

2 years ago

Representatives from customs and police from EU and selected third countries, EU and international public bodies and right holders from the wine and spirits’ industry met in Alicante, Spain, on 16-17 June for a conference on fraud related to intellectual property rights and counterfeiting.

OLAF in 2021: Exposing and preventing fraud

2 years 1 month ago

The OLAF Report 2021 published today unveils emerging fraud trends on a wide range of issues and also investigations and operations with a special focus on fraud schemes damaging the environment as well as important frauds in the field of customs and waste smuggling.

OLAF in 2021: Exposing and preventing fraud

2 years 1 month ago

The OLAF Report 2021 published today unveils emerging fraud trends on a wide range of issues and also investigations and operations with a special focus on fraud schemes damaging the environment as well as important frauds in the field of customs and waste smuggling.

European Anti-Fraud Office | News
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